Business: Not As Usual- A Good Thing

Lately many individuals are faced with a dilemma: plenty of work is available, but is it what they really enjoy doing?

A nine to five occupation is fine if one is happy with the hours away from home, perhaps a commute of an hour one way tops it off as well. Total all those hours per week (50), per month (200) equals per year (2,400) being spent in an office, a factory and/or on the road. This is constructive if one is completely satisfied with their vocation or career.

Sometimes the wear and tear of routine work can lead quite a few people toward an inspiration. An idea glows brightly from an inner place. They want to follow it, but then they realize there is a price to pay…

Independence requires expertise in personal supervision, including responsibility, time management, investment in knowledge or a specialized education, intuition, courage, perseverance and a willingness to learn from one’s poor decisions or ‘mistakes’.

When is it time to make a change? Can you handle being in charge of your life and livelihood?
Are you really tired of working for somebody who doesn’t recognize your talent, your worth, your ideas?

Do you yearn to create your own business and do what you love?
Think for a minute…an idea you always had… something that would help others. Whether it’s a service, a product or a creative concept that inspires many to action, it can happen.


Set procrastination aside, start a new chapter in your life today!
Contact to find out more about starting your own business ASAP.

Copyright. 2017 All Rights Reserved.

VAXXED DocuMovie Chops Down CDC Cover UP


To date, families affected by autism are pressed to find out exactly what caused this condition to manifest in their born normal, healthy children.

Because of the efforts of courageous individuals who researched, documented and have now exposed big pharmaceutical and pseudo governmental agency A.K.A., Center for Disease Control (CDC) and others with intend to harm for profit’s sake, those who have suffered have an advocacy platform via the new hotly contested movie VAXXED.

VAXXED is being censored all over the place, but the truth cannot be silenced so easily.  Its trailer has garnered over 230,000 views since late March 2016:

Actor Robert De Niro spoke out in favor of this documentary film.  Attempts from those in ‘high places’ proved successful– bullying him to keep him from promoting VAXXED.  But… the word is out now.

Secure good health for our children.  See this film.

Take a stand for those…

View original post 57 more words

VAXXED DocuMovie Chops Down CDC Cover UP

To date, families affected by autism are pressed to find out exactly what caused this condition to manifest in their born normal, healthy children.

Because of the efforts of courageous individuals who researched, documented and have now exposed big pharmaceutical and pseudo governmental agency, A.K.A., Center for Disease Control (CDC) and others with intent to harm for profit’s sake, those who have suffered have an advocacy platform via the new hotly contested movie VAXXED.

VAXXED is being censored all over the place, but the truth cannot be silenced so easily.  Its trailer has garnered over 230,000 views since late March 2016:

Actor Robert De Niro spoke out in favor of this documentary film.  Attempts from those in ‘high places’ proved successful– bullying him to keep him from promoting VAXXED.  But… the word is out now.

Secure good health for our children.  See this film.

Take a stand for those harmed by big pharma and CDC.




Breaking: Mayor’s Office In Houston Shut Down VAXXED


Robert De Niro, Tribeca and the censorship of the VAXXED documentary

VAXXED: the ABC News interview that Big Pharma didn’t want you to see

Leadership & Longevity – Dr. Andrew Wakefield: CDC Whistleblower, Autism & Mandatory Vaccination


Affirmation Promotes Abundance

It came to me, in the quiet of my spirit. Silence brings forth calm thought, intuitive thought. Eyes closed allow pictures to form somewhere in the mind.

An affirmation came in the way of a peaceful whisper.  Gentle, yet strong and powerful.

‘Say an affirmation a day to bring abundance your way’.  Simple, so simple.

Consistently speaking out from the heart in present time or tense carried on the breath creates a path to another dimension.

This dimension is invisible to the physical eye. However, it has weight and depth we cannot measure with physical tools or calibration.

A well conceived affirmation moves quickly to align with special energies which entwine and weave in to the mechanism which connects with a higher power concerned with continuing to promote what is best for all concerned.

Affirmations made well have promoted abundance and well being on every level of inspired consciousness.

I say: “To bring abundance your way, say a loving, kind, present time affirmation a day.”

Then, stand, raise your hands, and give thanks!


Mountains Tall

Mountains tall mountains high

Swept up currents not meant to die

Eagles soar rings around places

Where total freedom chases

Tyranny from blued in sky


Mountains tall mountains high

Courage defeats the hypocrite’s lie

The world awaits one exposed confession

Though, what transpires is a concession

Media laughs out loud at truth

The system tramples on the proof


Mountains tall mountains high

To Liberty, and for all, we cry

What sense do we make

While these crooks are on the take

All eyes and ears see and hear

The solution it is near.


Mountains tall mountains high

Relief given in each individual’s sigh

Standing absent of programmed fear

Technology off all chance to peer

Into future generation’s freedom


What is seen and it will be said

As their time comes it shall be read

“We stood at the top of this mountain tall

Vowed to honor life, liberty and the pursuit

And fulfilled our destined duty corruption to uproot.”


By Abigail Bey

Pix Mountians T

© 1Day2Act  Abigail Bey  2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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+Poem    +Art     +Creative     +Politics      +Honor      +Mountains-Tall

What Would It Be Like…?


Something came to me today right after I posted Wake Up From This Scenario today. I mentioned to my spouse recalling the movie Network (parts can be found on YouTube –see link below for one scene) where the main character, played by Peter Finch, did his best to increase his talk show ratings by building a following. He then, realized his power.

Things changed at the network and so did his message.

The most memorable part, to me –even to this day, is the scene where he spoke to his studio and television audience. He screamed, “Turn Off, Your TV. Turn Off your Televisions…” …go back to reading, thinking… basically, I got the message…stop allowing the corporations to control your thoughts…

I recall him saying, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore…”

The scene changed.  People living in a high rise apartment building who listened to his TV talk show opened up their windows and through their portable television sets out of windows…screaming, “I’m not going to take it anymore…”.

What would happen if 25 to 50% of tel-lie-vision watchers decided (on their own) to stop watching the tube for at least a week?

Would they wake up? Would they change the world by not participating in the mind control game the corporations/elite controllers have going on?

I wonder, what would it be like?  What do you think?


Video Reference:   {Scene: We’re In A Lot Of Trouble!}

Photo by

Pix Thinking



What is Web Science?

globe-376950_640There is something about searching the internet that is a real pleasure for me. I stumble onto all sorts of information. Stuff I like to share with my fellow bloggers-in-arms. Today my quest for trends rests on the internet itself.

Not until a few hours ago did I find this intriguing information. Web Science is basically Computer Science on steroids (just joking) …simply, it is a study of people, their data and how they use the internet [or how  internet analysts use them and their data…lol].

Of course, the title denotes the science of, or study of the internet and its inter-action with people. There is much more to this study which includes an interdisciplinary approach with psychology and sociology as part of the triune.

In the end, one may obtain a degree in this science. It appears, this course of study leads to a BS degree.

Below are article references which will give a lot more detail on this field of study.

Who knows where it may lead?  Perhaps a new career is in the making!


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+socialmedia   +business   +share   +experiment    +experience   +world  +education   +career    +data    +WebScience    +change    +internet   +ComputerScience       +degree       +psychology      +sociology

Non GMO Companies Come Together– Part 2

Thanks for stopping by to view Part 2 of my post. Your interest in this topic may make a difference in your life that of those you know.

In my post +Non-GMO-Companies-Come-Together-Part-1…., what the acronym GMO means and its seedy politics (no pun intended) was briefly discussed. I found this non profit organization’s web site browsing the internet.

It applies only to North America, but I am sure there are affiliated global organizations. The Non GMO Project is an independent non-profit organization devoted to verifying (by their strict standards) companies that offer non GMO foods, products and services. They can be found online here: .

On their website you will find a multitude of products from grains, cereals and all kinds of packaged goods to retailers and other services using
+Non-GMO-foods .

The main goal of this organization is to +Provide-verification to the public of each offered product or service as non GMO. It also has educational information as well.

This website is invaluable to those who want to purchase foods without GMOs.

Do you or someone you know have food allergies? It may be a good idea to find out if you or they have eaten any foods containing GMOs.

Photo Credits:

Reference URL:

Look for their label and +Visit their website:

Non GMO Companies Come Together– Part 1

There is so much bad news out there these days, I wanted to write about something that delivers +Useful-information with the intent to change someone’s life for the better. Does that work for you? If so, read on.

The good news is– recently I found an interesting website which educates, verifies and provides information on which companies offer +Non-gmo products and services.

Why is this so important? Well, let’s take a look at just what is a GMO, a.k.a., a genetically modified organism. What does that really mean? Imagine: a huge factory-like laboratory owned by a big corporation (which is interested in major profit and not the public’s long term health) the DNA of an insect, fish or other non-plant gene (or several different genes) being inserted into a specific plant to achieve a goal not found in nature. In other words, our food is being deliberately manipulated on a genetic level without full disclosure of the possible detrimental effects to our health.

Unfortunately, the public is left out in the cold on what major corporations like +Monsanto , +Syngenta or +DuPont do in reference to experimenting on and controlling our food supply for their benefit.

Apparently, the +Food-and-Drug-Administration in the United States, a federal government agency, and other federal agencies are run by individuals who have deep connections with these big agribusiness corporations. A serious conflict of interest on their part. This relationship, as well as intense lobbying by Big Agribusiness has almost done away with nature’s hand in supplying ‘our daily bread’ so to speak.

Science fiction cannot beat this real life reality horror show.

In my next post you will receive the website that will educate and give information on non GMO companies, products and services.

Photo Credits:

~~~~Take a look at this company’s list.~~~~Image

Generous Rays

Letters become words with thoughtful intention which give way to creative invention.

One style of poetry I do appreciate is– acrostic…this inspired invention below is presented to stimulate the mind’s eye envisioning global Generosity Day.

This poem is presented in humble respect for each and every living soul on our terra abode.

Generous Rays

Grateful thought brings forth                                                                   Image

Every dense gem’s treasure

Nearest each heart’s cloth

Enters a just–precise measure

Rays pulse, inner wealth rings

Original center always envelopes love

Utmost giving changes things

Sees the connection from above

Reveals uplifting open path

Abundance raises high level

Yearning pours on toward with

Selfless note of harmony’s treble

From end to end

Generous rays light the way

Weaving heart to heart

Interlocking in immense brilliance.

©  2013  All Rights Reserved.  Abigail Bey







Generous Rays.